As arguably the most celebrated alcoholic beverage on earth, wine in all its many forms and expressions has had a great deal of time, effort, and attention spent on it over the years. There is archaeological evidence of wine being produced in China as early as 7000BC, and throughout history countries from Iran to Italy have celebrated the fermentation of the humble grape into the world’s most studied and talked about beverage.

With so much time and effort spent producing, brewing, and drinking wine, it is no surprise that the development of the wine glass is also of importance historically.

From flutes to tumblers, to goblets, wine glasses come in almost as many varieties as the famed drink that they hold.

The Science of Wine Glasses

Wine experts agree that the shape of a wine glass can affect the taste and aroma of the wine. Certain types of wine lend themselves to certain glasses, and over time, wine producers have experimented with the depth, width and overall size of wine glasses to maximise the flavour of the fruit of their labours.

If you pour the same wine into three or four different shaped glasses and give it a few minutes to breathe, you will notice that the wine tastes slightly different in each glass. Some glasses bring out the flavour, some the aroma. Some shapes go a long way to muting or suppressing the flavour, and some will work to convey strongly neither the flavour nor aroma.

A strong, full-bodied red will do well in a large wine glass, to allow the wine to breathe and the flavour to develop, whereas a crisp white wine will prefer a smaller glass so it doesn’t warm too quickly.

Types of Wine Glasses to Buy Online

Whichever type of wine you prefer, be sure to buy a selection of wine glasses to suit the wine you are drinking on that occasion. Some classic types of wine glass include:

  • Cabernet – this classic red wine shape lowers the acidity by allowing the wine to hit the centre of the tongue first.
  • Pinot Noir – the shape of a pinot glass creates a balance between the sweetness, acidity and the flavour of the alcohol.
  • Rosé – draws the wine to the tip of the tongue to present the tart, dry notes of this wine.
  • Sparkling – allows for the bouquet of the wine to be at the forefront of the tasting experience.

Any serious wine fan should aim to have at least one or two of each of these styles of glasses, ensuring their favourite bottle of wine is enjoyed at its best.

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